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       Medal Winners
       Training Sessions
Camp sum of the national team cadets, Shumen from 30.10 - 02.11.2014
       From 30.10.2014 to 02.11.2014 in Shumen was held a gathering camp of the National team for kadets in Shinkyokushin karate. Training sessions were held twice a day under the leadership of the trainer for the National team of kadets and juniors, sensei Hristo Terziev - IV dan, and were mainly focused on kumite.
     The young karatekas worked on their endurance, combinations and sparring, improving on their technical growth.
     The camp was the completing step of preparation for the European competition for kadtes, men and women up to 22 years of age - kumite and kata, as well as men and women in absolute category - kumite. This competition will be held on the 8th and 9th of November in Kaunas, Lithuania.
     In the main roster of the National team two competitors of SC "Kyokushin" Shumen took their place - Dzhaner Shukri and David Aleksanyan.
     Shumen's club was host to an event of this magnitude for the first time. Fortunately the reponses about organisation were very good. The training sessions brought the competitors of the National team together and were held in friendly spirit and hearty atmosphere, making time pass quickly for everyone in the gym.
     The European competiton aside, the competitors of SC "Kyokushin" Shumen continue their preparation for the upcoming Zona Sever in all age groups, which will be held on 15.11.2014.
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National Cup "Pazardzhik" for children up to 10, 12 and '14, Pazardzhik on 25.10.2014
Grigor Hristov
Ivan IvanovIvan Ivanov
Ivan IvanovKaloian Kolev
Kaloian KolevKaloian Kolev
Kaloian MarchevKaloian MarchevKaan ShukriKaan Shukri
Kaan ShukriGrigor HristovAli AlievAli Aliev
Engin MustafaSimeon SimeonovSimeon SimeonovAhmet Sabri
Simeon BelchevSimeon BelchevTsvetan UrumovRemzi Hyusein
Erdjan Hakaev
       On 25.10.2014 in the “Vasil Levski” hall in Pazardzhik was held the National cup “Pazardzhik” in Shinkyokushin karate for children in categories up to 10, up to 12 and up to 14 years of age. The competition was very strong and in it took part many of the young hopes of the Bulgarian Karate Shinkyokushin Federation from clubs of the whole country.
      The audience could witness many close and dynamic matches, in which all the clubs’ children showed great technical growth, excellent conditioning and the will to win.
      The competitors of SC “Kyokushin” Shumen with chairman sensei Stoian Obretenov had a very strong presence at the tournament, winning 8 gold, 3 silver and 5 bronze medals, as well as first place in the team standings for all age groups. This confirmed the Shumen club’s position as having some of the strongest young fighters in the country.
          Champions became:
     1.Kaloian Marchev in the children up to 10 years, 28kg category, who won his semifinal match by ippon with chudan mawashi geri.
     2.Ivan Ivanov in the children up to 10 years, 32kg category, who won all his matches by ippon. In his first he defeated his opponent with chudan ushiro geri, in his semifinal he knocked his opponent out with djodan ushiro mawashi geri and in his final he won with an excellently placed djodan mawashi geri. With the unanimous decision of the judges Shumen’s young karateka was also awarded the prize for the best technique.
     3.Kaloian Kolev in the children up to 10 years,34kg category, who won his semifinal match by avasete ippon with chudan ushiro geri and low kick, then in his final decisively won over his opponent by ippon after a series of fists and a very strong low kick.
     4.Ali Aliev in the children up to 12 years, +49kg category who won his first match by ippon with low kick.
     5.Ahmet Sabri in the children up to 14 years, 39kg category, who won his final by vazaari after an excellently performed djodan mawashi geri.
     6.Simeon Simeonov in the children up to 14 years, 45kg category, who showed a lot of growth in his game during this competitive year – he also won over his opponent in the semifinal by vazaari with djodan mawashi geri.
     7.Grigor Hristov in the children up to 14 years, 49kg category, who got a very decisive win in his first match by vazaari.
     8.Kaan Shukri in the children up to 14 years, 54kg category, who completely overwhelmed all his opponents by vazaari and ippon after well placed chudan hidza geri and low kick.
          Silver medalists are:
     1.Simeon Belchev in children up to 10 years.
     2.Remzi Husein in children up to 12 years.
     3.Tsvetan Urumov in children up to 14 years.
     Bronze medals were won by: Elisaveta Hristova, who made a great debut at this difficult competition, Ioana Terzieva, Engin Mustafa, Erdzhan Hakaev, for whom this was also his first competition, and Arzhu Fikretova. Very strong matches were also fought by Viktor Vichev, Slav Svetoslavov, Nazam Basri, Kristian Kostadinov and Roberto Vasilev, who needed very little to reach the prizes.
     The competitors of SC “Kyokushin” Shumen were able to take part in the National cup “Pazardzhik” for children up to 10 years, up to 12 years and up to 14 years of age thanks to the timely help of the Municipality of Shumen. Shumen’s karatekas continue their preparation for the upcoming European championship in Shinkyokushin karate for kadets and juniors – kumite and kata, and men and women in the absolute category – kumite, which will take place on the 8th and 9th of November in Kaunas, Litva.
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Traditional training camp, Balchik from 27.08.2014 until 31.08.2014
       From 27.08.2014 to 31.08.2014 40 karatekas of SC “Kyokushin” Shumen took part in the traditional training camp in Balchik, which is part of their preparation for the second half ot the Bulgarian Karate Shinkyokushin Federation’s sports calendar. Training sessions were held twice per day under the leadership of sensei Daniel Dimitrov – III dan /senior instructor of the club/, sensei Stoian Obretenov – III dan /chairman of the club/, senpai Iordan Georgiev and senpai Aidan Ahmed /instructor in the branch of the club in OU “St. St. Kiril i Metodi” in Tzarev Brod/.
     The camp was started in the evening of arrival with the raising of the national flag and the anthem of the Bulgarian Republic, after which followed a night session under torchlight. The training sessions were very diverse, the focus falling on all three main components of Shinkyokushin karate – kihon, kata and kumite.
     The second training of the day was completely focused on kumite and conditional preparation of the competitors. There was also a cross run very early in the morning along the beach of Albena, as well as training in the water. During the rest of the day the competitors of SC “Kyokushin” Shumen were divided into four teams and competed in many games – tug of war, racing with bags, armwrestling, wrestling in the water, exams in japanese and Kyokushin karate history. Every team had to make a karate demonstration and for every event they win, the team would get a three-colored flag. The culmination of this competition was the evening’s talent show, in which the young hopes of Shumen’s club competed both individually and in teams for a great prize with song, dance, scenes, sketches and karate demonstrations before the hard jury, comprised completely of parents. After a very close battle the winner of the team competition was sensei Stoian Obretenov’s team.
     During the training camp was also enough time for beach and fun times, which brought the participants closer together, from the youngest to the oldest.
     The next event for the competitors of SC “Kyokushin” Shumen will be the training camp of the extended squad of the National teams for kadets and juniors, which will take place in Kotel. It is fully sparring-focused and part of preparation for the European championship for kadets, men and women up to 22 years of age – kumite and kata, and men and women in the absolute category – kumite.
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